Dammit, Tate, now Cicero is forcing me to dig deeper into Lepidus – before, during and after this nerve-racking period! Just when I was getting comfortable with shedloads of research into the previous decade! Irresistible stuff, thank you.

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you’re welcome! and yeah the figures on the side do worm their way into your brain. i have had multiple(!) dreams about plancus while translating these :/

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1. extremely bold to end this one with talking about how excited he is to see HIS kid. like dude have some tact

2. i feel like you could make a lepidus/antony romantic epic out of this. i know cicero loves to lie so i'm sure there are reasons for lepidus to do All That beyond just being evil and spineless (well. maybe it was the spinelessness) but the way he's writing it is like lepidus was prepared to #riskitall to get antony out of a tight spot. sorry for writing rpf in your comment section but caesar said it was fine

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