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Salve, optime Ciceroniane, amice Ciceronis nostri! From the occasion of the 2130th birthday of our Tullius, the international "Nova Roma" society, dedicated to the restoration of classical culture and virtues, an academic and educational and cultural organization of reconstruction and reenactment of the ancient Roman values of Romanitas, would like to invite you to be a citizen (member) by honorary procedure, of our restored res publica, as a gesture form our community to express our admiration for your work. We hold Cicero in the highest esteem and sort of our spiritual founder, and what you do embodies the "Nova Roma" spirit, therefore we would be very happy to call you one of our cca. 5000 "New Roman" citizens, member. If you accept the invitation, please contact us at novaromacontact@gmail.com

Gratias pro operibus tuis, et cura, ut valeas!

Cn. Lentulus, praefectus, aedilician scribe

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